Details have finally emerged for the, hopefully upcoming, ABC series starring The Muppets. ABC's revival has been announced as being a more Adult-Themed Mockumentary series which will follow the lives of all of our favorite Muppets. We'll obviously get a look into Kermit and Miss Piggy's relationship and the drama that goes on in all of The Muppets' everyday lives. The show will apparently have a 30 Rock feel to it (Which is great. That's another show I love!) and will be shot mock-documentary styled, like The Office. Here is the official description for the upcoming show:
"The Muppets return to prime time with a contemporary, documentary-style show that—for the first time ever—will explore the Muppets’ personal lives and relationships, both at home and at work, as well as romances, break-ups, achievements, disappointments, wants and desires; a more adult Muppet show, for kids of all ages”
As a huge fan of The Muppets I am very excited. A lot of fans were hoping the series would have more of a similarity to The Muppets Show but in all honesty I'm glad we're getting something new, and something that has never been done before in The Muppet world. I also hear it will have kind of a soapy feeling to it (I'm thinking a less extreme Melrose Place.. but Miss Piggy could definitely pull off a Kimberly in my opinion). I wonder how "adult" they're going to go with the series. It would be hard to imagine Muppet Sex Scenes (god that sounds exciting) .
The show has not been given a straight-to-series order but I'm hopeful it gets green-lit (Green as in KERMIT)! The world needs more of The Muppets so my fingers are crossed!
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